
Hi! I'm a french/portuguese graduate student, currently studying in Sorbonne Université's Quantum Information Master's degree. Before that, I went to PSL's CPES, an amazing multidisciplinary undergraduate degree. I am interested in most things Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantum Information, Economics and Philosophy.

This blog hosts some of my thoughts, posts and course notes. I will also keep tabs on interesting articles I find in the web, books I've read and movies I've seen.

I also dabble in photography: mainly street photography; but also urban architecture and portraits, sometimes. I shoot mostly on film, on a lovely Mamiya RZ67, but for protests I prefer digital. You can find some of my photos on my flickr.

For more information, you can take a look at my CV in pdf or in the About page.


email: hugo [dot] abreu [at] etu [dot] sorbonne-universite [dot] fr

PGP: 0254 5A82 F37A 0471 8B87 6903 C5CC BE5B FDE7 569A

Created: 2022-05-17 Tue 18:47
